Monday, January 16, 2012

Baby Bath Tips for New Parents

Now that you've become a father or a mother for the first time - you've lots of things to learn. When it's about bathing your baby you must know a few things before you proceed. Here are some Baby Bath Tips:

• Keep everything you need ready before you get your baby to bathe. That will include towels, a clean diaper and toiletries. Having a separate box with all of baby’s bath items can prove really handy and useful.

• Do not undress your baby until you are actually ready to bathe it. This will help baby avoid getting a chill.

• Give only sponge baths to your baby until its umbilical cord falls off.

• Never ever leave your baby unsupervised in the bath. Babies can easily drown even in very shallow water.

• Choose a warm place to bathe your baby lest it catches cold.

• Placing baby’s bath tub on a flat surface will avoid any risky movement while bathing, reducing chances of accidents.

• If you have forgotten an item, cautiously carry your slippery baby along while you fetch it.

• No matter how urgent the phone ring or doorbell, wrap the baby in a towel and take her with you, if you have to answer it. A lapse of even a few seconds can spell disaster.

• f you are bathing your baby in a bath tub, make sure that the water is not more than 2-3 inches high.

• The bath water should be reasonably warm. A temperature of 38 degrees centigrade is ideal for babies to retain their body temperature. Use a thermometer initially till you are able to recognize the right temperature just bydipping a finger into the water.

• Ensure that the taps are not running when you place the baby in the tub. A sudden change in temperature or depth can prove hazardous.

• You can try placing a towel in the bottom of the bath sink or bath tub to keep baby from slipping.

• Strong soaps and shampoos can be harmful for your baby’s tender skin, hence should be avoided, especially while cleaning her face. 

• Wrap your baby and dry her immediately after the bath, taking care to keep air coolers and fans off while doing so. This minimizes the loss of body heat.

• Clean the genital areas thoroughly. Pat them dry and apply an anti-rash to prevent diaper irritation, if advised, before putting your baby into the diaper.

• Never leave sharp objects like razors and scissors in the open while getting the baby ready for a bath or afterwards. Needless to say, they pose a grave danger to your baby. Store such items in a cabinet which is well out of your baby’s reach.

• Never leave electric appliances plugged in when not in use, neither in a bathroom, nor elsewhere where the baby is likely to reach. This can lead to an electrocution if your baby manages to pull it off or touch it with wet hands. It is best to keep all such appliances out of your baby’s reach and sight.

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