Monday, January 16, 2012

Brain Health: Tips To Keep Your Mind Sharp

How To Keep Your Mind Sharp Be Social There are healthy habits you can start now to shield your brain from the effects of aging. Staying social could shield your brain from the effects of aging, shows a study from the Harvard School of Public Health. Mixing and mingling stimulate parts of the brain that control your memory. For a particularly powerful brain boost, working in regular activities that pair socializing with learning. It's important to interact with others in ways that engage your brain in novel ways. Banish Bad Vibes People prone to negative emotions and stress may be 40 percent more likely to develop mild cognitive impairment, according to a study in Neurology. Study authors hypothesize that a lifetime of stress could adversely affect an area of the brain responsible for regulating memory. To stop stress from wreaking havoc on your brain, devoting 30 minutes a day to calming activities, such as reading. Or, at a minimum, aim for 10 to 15 minutes of meditation.

Check Your Iron Taking iron supplements could increase brain power for iron-deficient women. Low iron -- the most common nutritional deficiency typically triggers symptoms such as fatigue and a decrease in work performance. But overloading on iron can lead to organ damage, and Aging, so it's crucial to supplement only under the supervision of a doctor. Sip Smarter Slurping down too many sugary drinks could raise your risk for Alzheimer's disease, according to recent research. After 25 weeks with free access to sugar water, mice displayed memory-retention problems and an increase in brain plaques associated with Alzheimer's development. Researchers aren't sure if the bump in sugar intake caused the increased mental impairment. But past research has indicated that inflammation and insulin resistance (both linked to excess sugar intake) could lead to Alzheimer's. Limit soda and other sugary treats, and feed your brain omega-3-rich fish and antioxidant-packed fruits and vegetables, which show promise in protecting the brain from age-related damage. Use It or Lose It The magic bullet for good memory? It could be as close as the Times crossword puzzle. Studies have found that keeping your brain active -- by doing word games, playing an instrument, or having engaging conversations, for example -- may help ward off cognitive decline andAlzheimer's disease. Spice Things Up Turmeric does more than add flavor to curry dishes. Cur cumin, one of the compounds in this spice, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Some early research has linked it to a lower risk of cognitive decline. Preliminary animal studies suggest it may help prevent Alzheimer's disease, a condition that's rarer in India, where curry is a staple. Add turmeric to food regularly or mix 1/2 teaspoon with hot water and sip as a tea. Stay Positive Your brain will do what you ask of it. Instead of multitasking, taking a few minutes each day to focus on one positive thought, such as the word "peace." Doing so, creates new neurological networks in your brain and helps you feel happy and compassionate more easily. On the flip side, harboring angrythoughts can create networks that make you feel more negative about life, more often. Hit the Sack Getting enough shut-eye doesn't just boost your energy -- it may increase brainpower as well. Research shows that a good night's sleep helps improve memory. In one recent study published in Nature Neuroscience, researchersfound that sufficient sleep is also necessary to help retain episodic memory -- your ability to remember times, places, and events. Although sleep needs vary, most of us require about eight hours a night. Ditch the White Foods White sugar, flour, and other refined carbohydrates are absorbed quickly as sugar into the bloodstream and can cause a spike in insulin levels. This promotes inflammation, which in turn has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Keep blood sugar stable by choosing slower-burning carbohydrates like whole grains.

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